Unwind By Neal Shusterman
Connor, Risa and Lev are running for their lives.
The 2nd Civil War was fought over reproductive rights. What was the resolution? Life for teens are safe until the age of thirteen. When between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, one's parents can have their child "unwound", that is when all the teen's organs are transplanted and given to other people, so life doesn't technically have to end. It like they are living in many different people. Connor is a delinquent. Risa is an orphan and is not worth being kept alive. Lev, a tithe, his fate of being unwound determined since birth as part of his parent's strict religion. Now together, they make a cross-country journey across the states, hoping they have the chance to escape and survive---And eighteen seems very far away.
I loved this book. Best book ever. This book was very well-written and detailed. Also, the story was told in an interesting way, in many people's point-of-view, instead of just one. I loved the ending XD. Everyone dies...Haha, just kidding. Maybe. You have to read to find out!
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